Kat''s Nature

Kat's Nature Is To Be Creative - I Love Paint and Stuff

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Halloween 's Past

Halloween 2012
none of my children are costume wearing age anymore
or trick or treaters
I DO still buy boddles of candy anyway for the kids that
happily yell out "trick or Treat!"
Then I get to eat all the left over candy ! 

Oh how the years do fly by !

 I  once made a A Master Chief costume
back in 2007 for my son Ryan.
Do You have kids that play X-Box 360 video games?
my boys  do !
...and have since 2005


Halo is their favorite 360 game 
 Master Chief (main  character)

There is a Halo, Halo 2, Halo 3
  ... and this month the latest  addition is coming out 
 Halo 4
Here is my creation for Ryan

I used  materials such as foam  and hot glue

the gun is made from building insulation foam board

the boots are old snow boots with foam pieces glued on and painted

the helmet was the hardest part...an old bike helmet

living in the past this October 31st



NanaDiana said...

I am lucky enough to have grandkids now that dress and go out on candy hunts. So much fun!
That is an awesome costume you made- xo Diana

Anonymous said...

now thats a costume, wow, thats a work of art, such a handsome boy too!

Denise Mulligan said...

Wow, Kat, that's fantastic! I do love creative handmade costumes. My kids never trusted that I would make a good one. They always went for the store bought. I don't think I would have been as creative as you. This took a lot of work.
Yes, my kids love Xbox and Halo. This year we didn't have Halloween due to the Hurricane, my boys weren't so enthusiastic as usual.
Have a great weekend!

Kelly said...

...talented you are! this costume is fantastic! I've made a few costumes for Matty over the years as well. Hard to believe he will be heading off to college next year.