Kat''s Nature

Kat's Nature Is To Be Creative - I Love Paint and Stuff

Monday, June 27, 2011

My Town - Painted and Shown

 My Town 


  I am slowly getting more and more
 involved in the arts here
 "Paint The Town" event was great.  
15 artists signed up
 to paint scenery around town 
There was a luncheon for all of us
and a cocktail party on Friday evening

 Sunday we had an outdoor event
right in the middle of town,
 to show off  our works of art

 Awards handed out and a few sales too !

Painted by artist Jamie Morath

I had a hand in  designing the shape, cutting,

 and sanding the wood...
preparing the piece for Jamie to paint

Loveland businesses and folks
 painted by my friend Jamie Morath

 One day last week I decided
 to set up my easel and paint this scene
the Town Fountain

I love this big ole tree
and the umbrella tables in the background

My take on the scene
fountain, tree, and Paxtons restaurant in the background
Palette knife style

Stage Company
The Town

watercolor with ink lines added
This is a photo I happened to snap one day down by the Little Miami river

...And here is my little 8 by 8
oil paint of the scene

oil of town buildings
 8 by 8 palette knife

were all over
around Loveland

Here is a female cardinal
 in a similar pose (oils)

So that is "Paint" the Town"
for this year

next on my list of things to paint is
a second children 's book illustrations
for  author and friend
He is a mouse
...more on that some other day 


TexWisGirl said...

what a great community for you to live in. love the watercolors with ink-lines. :)

Anonymous said...

thankyou so much for visiting me,, I'm so glad I've returned the visit because now I can say how mush I love your work,, the color the style just amazing,its just so unique, I'm joining as a follower!

Jen said...

What a cool event! I love your paintings.

Doreen Grace said...

I love that fountain scene that you painted. I can feel the joy in it. Thanks for sharing. :)

Crystal said...

Love the texture and movement in your tree painting! Fantastic! :-)

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

I love seeing the photos and then your painting! You are so talented! I especially like the watercolor with ink lines! What a difference the ink lines make! ♥

Pam - @diy Design Fanatic said...

Wonderful! What a great event!

Artsy VaVa said...

I love your artwork and that sounds like a fabulous event to let your community meet some of its talented citizens!

Geri said...

Oh I love your tree and fountain painting! So wonderful ♥

Darla said...

What a fun event to be involved in and what a charming town. My favorite is the fountain scene with the umbrellas. Very active canvas, texture and colors, etc.

EVA said...

Wow! What a full post and a great event.

Your paintings are beautiful!! Welcome to PPF!

SHERI COOK said...

Love the tree and fountain painting. So alive! Belated welcome to PPF wishes!!! Lookign forward to more of your art!

Anonymous said...

I came back hoping to see the work for the childrens book,, soon?I think you catured "your town" beautifully

Unknown said...

Love your work! I'm following you now. Found you through Tea Rose Home.

Ann from On Sutton Place said...

Your town is lovely...you are a talented artist. I'm glad you are painting that you love. I'm from Northwest Ohio. Where exactly is Loveland?

carlarey said...

Love the palette knife fountain, I am so impressed by your technique, when I've tried that it just looks like blobs.