Kat''s Nature

Kat's Nature Is To Be Creative - I Love Paint and Stuff

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Special Children

"Snowman" by Tara
I met Tara at our Fall art festival last month
  I put my name in for a drawing to win a free book.
 I thought, why not, right ? 
 so I picked out the "How to Make a Snowman" book .

  Tara McClintick is the author and owner 
over at www. Books By Tara.com. 
 She is from my area of the Cincinnati suburbia. 
 Her story is real and touching.  
Tara has a son, now 13 years old 
with a severe form of autism.  

I feel a special link to autism,
 not because my family
 has been touched by it
 but ...

it's a funny little story about the house I grew up in...
you can read on to hear my story' 
or you can just go check out 
Tara's books and her website 

So here is an old photo of my childhood home in Wisconsin
Beloit Wisconsin... in the far south of the state

that's Gram Shaughnessy
she came to visit us often.

My dad had this house built for our growing family
 when we moved from Michigan to Wisconsin
I was in second grade
and this house was like a dream home to me.

Back then in the 1960s
 it was my three sisters and one brother
  so we had plenty of room
soon there was two more and then two more.
not twins...I'm just trying to speed this story along.
My parents had
 seven girls and three boys 
all living in this house by 1972...
and space was getting tight.
luckily the first of my older sister were off to college
 then and the space eased up a bit.

...and we would let my little brother sleep out in his tree house
we had a couple of kid built tree houses...

Always room for more at our big table
at the holidays

my sister would find a quiet spot to read 

 My Dad built onto the home... 
a family room,  finished basement ,
 a third bathroom, and additional  2 bedrooms

lots of football and sports
played around the house

Midnight Mass
Christmas mornings were a
toy wonderland

Many first communions
this one for my brother Paul was in our home

There is our garden

more eating
and our milk dispenser...
we drank a whole lot of milk

Mum did a whole lot of grocery shopping ! 

winters were fun
we had a dog, Brandy
who just ran loose all the time

My parents moved from this home in the 1980s
but it will forever be 
my childhood home

Today the house is called 
The Dutter House

The Dutter House was established in memory of

 Ryan and Kyle Dutter

It is a respite care center  for children with special needs.
Kyle would have called it "Grandma's house",
 children with special needs receive loving attention and care here

Parents get much needed relief
from caring for a child with various disabilities,
 the parent knows that their child is safe
 comfortable, and happy here. 

 a link to
The Dutter House

I like to think
my Mothers kind Spirit
lives on in this home
and watches over the kids
that need this place now.
If you can...
buy a book or two from Tara

...another wonderful mother
caring for and living with all the
joys and hardships of
having a child
with a special need.

to all the kids that need one

- KAT -
other books include:
Autumn Leaves

Jack O Lantern


Car Wash


TexWisGirl said...

how neat that your childhood home now serves so many families who need help! :)

Anonymous said...

what a wonderful post.The best one I have read all night, beautiful memories,, and a beautiful family!!We were big milk drinkers too!

Betsy said...

How special that your childhood home is serving such a special purpose. I just love your pictures. It reminds me so much of the ones we have from our childhood. And I laughed when I saw the bathtub picture! So many times I took to the bathtub when I was a young girl to read in peace and quiet. Not exactly comfortable, but it worked! I have 3 sisters and one brother, and we shared everything back then.

Unknown said...

Such a touching story. It makes it difficult to poke fun at the glasses that you all are wearing in your family photo!! lol;) Oops...did I poke fun anyway?? Guess I did!!! lol Nice specs!

btw. Mentioned you in my blog post yesterday. Forgot to email you to let you know. Have a great weekend!

Victoria said...

Wow..what a beautiful, heart-warming and touching post..inspirational and magnificent!

Unknown said...

This post really pulls at the heart strings Kathy!!!! very inspirational!!!

Geckostone said...

Wow, what a fun post! I loved looking at all the photos! The ones with snow remind me of visiting my uncle and aunt in Minnesota when we were kids!That so cool that your old house is now a safe haven for kids! I will check out Taras books for sure, they sound great! Hugs, Deb

Anonymous said...

Awesome post. So many photos and the story is very inspiring~

Jen said...

That is an amazing story and coincidence. I always love looking at your family photos, and this is such a wonderful selection. I will definitely check out Tara's books.

Carola Bartz said...

I love your post!! All these beautiful childhood pictures, but best that your childhood home now serves all these children and families who need it most. I'm certain that your mother's spirit lives on here.

Kristin said...

HOW WONDERFUL that your childhood home has become another special place for children! And that your Mom is in some way looking after them . . . loved all your family pictures - there were so many of you!! From an only child, your home looks divine. Thank you for your visit and have a great weekend, xoxo

Mullin Avenue Workshop said...

This is a beautiful post - the photos brought back memories to me, as we are from the same era. What a fabulous family you had...and it is touching that now the house you grew up in is providing respite fore these families.
I'll come back later to read more...time to turn in.