Kat''s Nature

Kat's Nature Is To Be Creative - I Love Paint and Stuff

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Mason Art Fest was a Fun Success !

I did pretty good at the
Mason Ohio Art Festival
My best Art Show ever

Even though this was  only the second art show I've been in
 its still - THE BEST ONE!

 The weather was beautiful  
Thank God

and my husband and son came to help me out

I really am glad I entered the Art Festival
I sold  a Cincinnati riverfront painting 
and a sea scape and a fish blowing bubbles
three very different art works
I was very satisfied to have those three sales
My best experience ever at an art show
but I will work hard to do better next year.

here are some art show photos


TexWisGirl said...

i've said it before, i'll say it again: i LOVE your cityscapes. congrats on the sales!

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

I looks like a wonderful art fair! And I'm glad you got pics of yourself and your art! Fabulous! My favorite is the last one you showed! It's beautiful!