When I woke up this morning, I felt sort of down but I didn't know why...so when I saw the mail from the arts council, I thought...Oh Man not again! A premonition that bad news was coming for me??? maybe. I opened the letter from the arts council of Loveland, Ohio. Yes, a rejection of my application. The members of the Loveland arts Council organize, develop and generally make the rules for this wonderful annual Loveland Art Show and Sale in Nisbet park. It is THE big event of the year for artists here in this area. The only event in which I was told you really get to sell your art work to so many many people, that come here for this event. In my neatly typed letter of failure, I was thanked for applying to the show but since so many quality applications were received I was not picked to be in the show (sigh). I was given my 60 dollar check back and my sad photographs of my "art" that I was so proud of. My husband tried to cheer me up... he saw my face, he knew I was hurt. He said " you know, Kath, there are other art show you can put in for" there is one I know of...." I did not hear him any more after that...How can I ever enter another (application type of), art event ever ever again? No I won't do that to myself. I really thought I would get in this year. I was all geared up to make lots of new art. I'd have lots of time to do some real good stuff. That is the risk of these juried art shows. If they don't like you or don't want your type of art...your out of luck, baby. someone definitely either doesn't like me or just doesn't like my art. I kind of feel they are one and the same , because I am my art and my art is who I am. So I am feeling down,but trying not to let it overwhelm me like it did last year. Nothing can be done about it. all I can do is try to find meaning in it and learn from the rejection . Maybe I should take art lessons from some one...maybe I should change what I am doing...and should I say it...?...I am thinking it but I really don't want to give it all up. I have enjoyed myself so much these last 6 months or so, that I have been busily trying to make a "go" of being an artist. I'll always love Nature and that can never change. Nature is Gods art ! I will always have friends that are kind to me and tell me I have talent. I'm just going to take a little break from my blog and from posting till things become more clear to me. I want to thank Danny and my sisters, and Lisa my studio mate, and Anne from Bird/Like. Several other artist friends I have met at the studios, Monica Achberger, Nancy Sullivan, the fiber art gals...your all great. Thank you to everyone that comes out to the Second Saturdays events and says Hi to me. Your good friends for sure.
Who knows ...maybe I'll be feeling better tomorrow...Maybe I hope
I feel like "Creeper" lost in the trash |
evergreen and barren which is more beautiful? |
friends in the sunshine |
all alone |
So Pretty, so sweet |
My turtle boxes ...to hide away a secret something |
Nancy Sullivan's watercolors and my trees hang in the Gallery |
Sorry you are feeling a bit down. Rejection is hard to take no matter where it comes from. But I'm looking at your art and you have every right to be proud of your work. Don't let a few people distract you from what you love to do. Hang in there! When one door closes, another one will open!
Don't give up , girl ! Keep doing your unique art and be proud !!!
Thank you very much for your visit and especially for your kind words! I am happy you found me so I can enjoy your blog and your ART !
When you start creating work for others is when you open yourself up to rejection. When you started you were doing what you love for the sheer personal pleasure. Most artists whether it is in the graphic field or literary field or music field start as "amateurs" which does not mean unskilled, it means "for the love of it", stay amateur. Acceptance by others should never be the reason to express yourself. There are more people than you realize to whom your "art" speaks. Find yourself and the others will find you.
Don't you dare give up!! If this is your passion, then keep on it. Do this for YOU, not for what some silly juried art show thinks. You'll find your way, just keep being you!!
oh, i'm going to miss you! I was just going to write and tell you I received the turtle and the bonus pin and they are wonderful-- prettier than they look in the photos which just don't show the detail of your carving and painting.
I would like to continue to support you as much as I can so if you'd like to do a guest post on Bird/Like just let me know! I am going to post about my turtle tomorrow.
I agree with Beki, even if you take a break from blogging, don't give up your art! Rejection is a super drag but there must be other venues for you to show your art in person.
BE PROUD of what you do young lady...it's not just about what others thing (I KNOW that you KNOW that, right??)...your time will come...till then continue CREATING ART!
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