Kat''s Nature

Kat's Nature Is To Be Creative - I Love Paint and Stuff

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Blooming a Bit

My oil paintings are helping me to "Bloom" a bit. if that is possible. I like the palette knife I purchased at hobby Lobby. Two oil paintings done! I'm so proud of myself for not being afraid to try something new.

Went to the Dentist for my regular cleaning and polishing. (I'm a star patient as far as brushing technique) We got talking as dentists and hygienists tend to do. yes they always love to see how you will handle talking back at them as you have water sprayed in your mouth and a little sucking tube thing danging on your lip. But I managed to get out that I have been painting and I have a studio over at the Loveland Artist Studios on Main St. LASOM for short. They know all about second Saturday Open Houses and they even know some of the other artists there. Dr Julie was eager to see my art and promised to hang some of it in her waiting room area. She has been needing to get new art for awhile she told me. I am over joyed at this prospect of getting a little bit of hometown exposure! So don't be afraid of the dentist and remember to floss!

My latest oil is based of a photo of Adam , who is an old roommate and forever best friend of my son , Joe in Chicago. This is a grove of big enormously tall trees at the Arboretum just outside of Chicago. Thank you Adam, you rock!

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